VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection

In the dynamic and complex world of system monitoring, VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection, being a part of our Enterprise offering, stands as a pivotal tool for achieving advanced observability. It empowers SREs and DevOps teams by automating the intricate task of identifying abnormal behavior in time-series data. It goes beyond traditional threshold-based alerting, utilizing machine learning techniques to not only detect anomalies but also minimize false positives, thus reducing alert fatigue. By providing simplified alerting mechanisms atop of unified anomaly scores, it enables teams to spot and address potential issues faster, ensuring system reliability and operational efficiency.

Practical Guides and Installation #

Begin your VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection journey with ease using our guides and installation instructions:

  • Quickstart: Check out how to get vmanomaly up and running here.

  • Overview: Find out how vmanomaly service operates here

  • Integration: Integrate anomaly detection into your observability ecosystem. Get started here.

  • Anomaly Detection Presets: Enable anomaly detection on predefined set of indicators, that require frequently changing static thresholds for alerting. Find more information here.

  • Installation Options: Select the method that aligns with your technical requirements:

    • Docker Installation: Suitable for containerized environments. See Docker guide.
    • Helm Chart Installation: Appropriate for those using Kubernetes. See our Helm charts.

Note: starting from v1.5.0 vmanomaly requires a license key to run. You can obtain a trial license key here.

Key Components #

Explore the integral components that configure VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection:

Deep Dive into Anomaly Detection #

Enhance your knowledge with our handbook on Anomaly Detection & Root Cause Analysis and stay updated:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) #

Got questions about VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection? Chances are, we’ve got the answers ready for you.

Dive into our FAQ section to find responses to common questions.

Get in Touch #

We are eager to connect with you and adapt our solutions to your specific needs. Here’s how you can engage with us:

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