How to use OpenTelemetry with VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs #

VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs support ingestion metrics and logs in OpenTelemetry format. This guide covers examples of using opentelemetry-collector and direct pushing of metrics and logs from the Go application.

Pre-Requirements #

Installation #

VictoriaMetrics #

Install VictoriaMetrics helm repo:

helm repo add vm
helm repo update

Add VictoriaMetrics chart values to convert OTEL metric names to Prometheus canonical format:

cat << EOF > vm-values.yaml
    opentelemetry.usePrometheusNaming: true

Install VictoriaMetrics single-server version:

helm install victoria-metrics vm/victoria-metrics-single -f vm-values.yaml

Verify it’s up and running:

kubectl get pods
# NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
# victoria-metrics-victoria-metrics-single-server-0   1/1     Running   0          3m1s

VictoriaMetrics helm chart provides the following URL for writing data:

Write URL inside the kubernetes cluster:

All supported write endpoints can be found at

For OpenTelemetry VictoriaMetrics write endpoint is:


VictoriaLogs #

Install VictoriaLogs:

helm install victoria-logs vm/victoria-logs-single

Verify it’s up and running:

kubectl get pods
# NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
# victoria-logs-victoria-logs-single-server-0     1/1     Running   0          1m10s

VictoriaLogs helm chart provides the following URL for writing data:

Write URL inside the kubernetes cluster:

All supported write endpoints can be found at

For OpenTelemetry VictoriaLogs write endpoint is:


OpenTelemetry collector with VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs #

OTEL Collector

Add OpenTelemetry helm repo:

helm repo add open-telemetry
helm repo update

Add OpenTelemetry Collector values:

cat << EOF > otel-values.yaml
mode: deployment
  repository: "otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib"
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
  # deltatocumulative processor is needed to convert metrics with delta temporality to cumulative temporality.
  # VictoriaMetrics doesn't support delta temporality. Skip this processor if you don't use delta temporality.
      max_stale: 5m
      compression: gzip
      encoding: proto
      # Setting below will work for sending data to VictoriaMetrics single-node version.
      # Cluster version of VictoriaMetrics will require a different URL -
      metrics_endpoint: http://victoria-metrics-victoria-metrics-single-server.default.svc.cluster.local:8428/opentelemetry/v1/metrics
      logs_endpoint: http://victoria-logs-victoria-logs-single-server.default.svc.cluster.local:9428/insert/opentelemetry/v1/logs
        insecure: true
        processors: []
        exporters: [otlphttp/victoriametrics]
        receivers: [otlp]
        processors: [deltatocumulative]
        exporters: [otlphttp/victoriametrics]

Install OpenTelemetry Collector helm chart:

helm upgrade -i otel open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector -f otel-values.yaml

Check if OpenTelemetry Collector pod is up and running:

kubectl get pod
# NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
# otel-opentelemetry-collector-7467bbb559-2pq2n   1/1     Running   0          23m

Forward VictoriaMetrics port to local machine to explore metrics ingested by the collector:

kubectl port-forward svc/victoria-metrics-victoria-metrics-single-server 8428

Visit http://localhost:8428/vmui/#/?g0.expr=k8s_container_ready to check if metric k8s_container_ready is present. Check other available metrics by visiting cardinality explorer page.

Forward VictoriaLogs port to local machine to explore logs ingested by the collector:

kubectl port-forward svc/victoria-logs-victoria-logs-single-server 9428

Visit http://localhost:9428/select/vmui to check if logs ingested by collector are present.

The full version of possible configuration options for the collector can be found in OpenTelemetry docs.

Sending metrics and logs from Go application #

Metrics and logs can be sent via OpenTelemetry instrumentation libraries. You can use any compatible OpenTelemetry instrumentation clients. In our example, we’ll create a WEB server in Golang, instrument it with metrics and logs and configure it to send telemetry data to OpenTelemetry collector. The collector will then forward received data to VictoriaMetrics or VictoriaLogs.

Sending to OpenTelemetry collector #

Create file main.go from example that implements a dice roll WEB server instrumented with OpenTelemetry SDK and is configured to send data to OpenTelemetry collector at http://localhost:4318 address. See how to setup and run OpenTelemetry collector here.

In the same directory with the file create the go.mod file and execute following commands:

go mod init vm/otel
go mod tidy

Now try running the application:

go run .

By default, the application from example is listening at http://localhost:8080. Start sending requests to http://localhost:8080/rolldice endpoint to generate some metrics. The following command will send 20 requests:

for i in `seq 1 20`; do curl http://localhost:8080/rolldice; done

After a few seconds you should start seeing metrics sent to VictoriaMetrics by visiting http://localhost:8428/vmui/#/?g0.expr=dice_rolls_total in your browser or by querying the metric dice_rolls_total in the UI interface. Dice roll metrics

Logs should be available by visiting http://localhost:9428/select/vmui using query unknown_service:otel. Dice roll logs

Sending without OpenTelemetry collector #

Metrics and logs can be ingested into VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs directly via HTTP requests. Use any compatible OpenTelemetry instrumentation clients.

OTEL direct

In our example, we’ll create a WEB server in Golang, instrument it with metrics and logs and configure it to send this telemetry data to VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs.

Create file main.go from example. In the same directory with the file create the go.mod file and execute following commands:

go mod init vm/otel
go mod tidy

The example implements WEB server with two HTTP handlers: /api/slow and /api/fast. Start the application:

go run main.go 
2024/03/25 19:27:41 Starting web server...
2024/03/25 19:27:41 web server started at localhost:8081.

Make sure that VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs are available locally at their default ports:

# port-forward victoriametrics to ingest metrics
kubectl port-forward victoria-metrics-victoria-metrics-single-server-0 8428
# port-forward victorialogs to ingest logs
kubectl port-forward victoria-logs-victoria-logs-single-server-0 9428

Visit application links http://localhost:8081/api/fast or http://localhost:8081/api/slow couple of times. The application will generate metrics and logs and will send them to VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs.

After a few seconds you should start seeing metrics sent to VictoriaMetrics by visiting http://localhost:8428/vmui/#/?g0.expr=http_requests_total.


Check other available metrics by visiting cardinality explorer page.

Logs should be available by visiting http://localhost:9428/select/vmui using query unknown_service:otel.


Limitations #

  • VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs do not support experimental JSON encoding format.
  • VictoriaMetrics supports only AggregationTemporalityCumulative type for histogram and summary. Either consider using cumulative temporality or try delta-to-cumulative processor to make conversion to cumulative temporality in OTEL Collector.