Next release #

  • Fail if no remoteWriteUrls set

0.12.2 #

Release date: 2024-09-12

AppVersion: v1.103.0 Helm: v3

  • Added ability to override deployment namespace using namespaceOverride and global.namespaceOverride variables
  • Removed deprecated API from RBAC. See this issue

0.12.1 #

Release date: 2024-09-03

AppVersion: v1.103.0 Helm: v3

  • Fixed PVC in StatefulSet

0.12.0 #

Release date: 2024-08-29

AppVersion: v1.103.0 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.103.0
  • Added ability to configure container port
  • Fixed image pull secrets. See this issue
  • Removed necessity to set .Values.persistentVolume.existingClaim when volume is expected to be created by chart. See this issue

0.11.0 #

Release date: 2024-08-21

AppVersion: v1.102.1 Helm: v3

Update note: main container name was changed to vmagent, which will recreate a pod.

Update note: requires Helm 3.14+

  • Removed PodSecurityPolicy
  • Set minimal kubernetes version to 1.25
  • Removed support for policy/v1beta1/PodDisruptionBudget
  • Added params to configure probes .Values.probe.readiness, .Values.probe.liveness and .Values.probe.startup
  • Added and
  • Added .Values.emptyDir to customize default cache directory
  • Use static container names in a pod
  • Removed and extensions/v1beta1/Ingress support
  • Added .Values.service.ipFamilies and .Values.service.ipFamilyPolicy for service IP family management

0.10.14 #

Release date: 2024-08-14

AppVersion: v1.102.1 Helm: v3

  • add basicAuth support for ServiceMonitor
  • fix license volume mount when using statefulset mode

0.10.13 #

Release date: 2024-08-01

AppVersion: v1.102.1 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.102.1

0.10.12 #

Release date: 2024-08-01

AppVersion: v1.102.0 Helm: v3

  • fix possible template error when .Values.rbac.namespaced=true. Thanks to @guptaachin for the pull request.

0.10.11 #

Release date: 2024-07-23

AppVersion: v1.102.0 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.102.0

0.10.10 #

Release date: 2024-07-08

AppVersion: v1.101.0 Helm: v3

  • add missing API version and kind for volumeClaimTemplates, see this issue.

0.10.9 #

Release date: 2024-06-14

AppVersion: v1.101.0 Helm: v3

Update note: The VictoriaMetrics components image tag template has been updated. This change introduces .Values.<component>.image.variant to specify tag suffixes like -scratch, -cluster, -enterprise. Additionally, you can now omit .Values.<component>.image.tag to automatically use the version specified in .Chart.AppVersion.

  • support specifying image tag suffix like “-enterprise” for VictoriaMetrics components using .Values.<component>.image.variant.

0.10.8 #

Release date: 2024-05-16

AppVersion: v1.101.0 Helm: v3

  • fix lost customized securityContext when introduced new default behavior for securityContext in pull request.

0.10.7 #

Release date: 2024-05-10

AppVersion: v1.101.0 Helm: v3

  • support disabling default securityContext to keep compatible with platform like openshift, see this pull request by @Baboulinet-33 for details.

0.10.6 #

Release date: 2024-04-26

AppVersion: v1.101.0 Helm: v3

  • properly truncate value of and labels in case release name exceeds 63 characters.
  • bump version of VM components to v1.101.0

0.10.5 #

Release date: 2024-04-16

AppVersion: v1.100.1 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.100.1

0.10.4 #

Release date: 2024-03-28

AppVersion: v1.99.0 Helm: v3

  • added ability to use slice variables in extraArgs (#944)
  • support adding metricRelabelings for server serviceMonitor (#946)

0.10.3 #

Release date: 2024-03-11

AppVersion: v1.99.0 Helm: v3

  • Actually fix templating of HPA for vmagent. Previously, it was rendered with incorrect kind and thus was unusable. See this pull request.

0.10.2 #

Release date: 2024-03-05

AppVersion: v1.99.0 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.99.0

0.10.1 #

Release date: 2024-03-05

AppVersion: v1.97.1 Helm: v3

  • Fix templating of HPA for vmagent. Previously, it was rendered with incorrect kind and thus was unusable. See this pull request.

0.10.0 #

Release date: 2024-02-28

AppVersion: v1.97.1 Helm: v3

  • Add ability to use HPA for vmagent. See this pull request.

0.9.17 #

Release date: 2024-02-01

AppVersion: v1.97.1 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.97.1

0.9.16 #

Release date: 2023-12-20

AppVersion: v1.96.0 Helm: v3

  • Add init containers for deployment and statefulset. See #806 by @MemberIT.

0.9.15 #

Release date: 2023-12-13

AppVersion: v1.96.0 Helm: v3

  • Fix configuration of volume mount for license key referenced by using secret.

0.9.14 #

Release date: 2023-12-12

AppVersion: v1.96.0 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.96.0

0.9.13 #

Release date: 2023-11-16

AppVersion: v1.95.1 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.95.1

0.9.12 #

Release date: 2023-11-15

AppVersion: v1.95.0 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.95.0

0.9.11 #

Release date: 2023-10-04

AppVersion: v1.94.0 Helm: v3

  • bump version of VM components to v1.94.0
  • Add support of providing enterprise license key for VictoriaMetrics enterprise. See these docs for details.

0.9.10 #

Release date: 2023-09-21

AppVersion: v1.93.5 Helm: v3

  • Bump version of VM components to v1.93.5

0.9.9 #

Release date: 2023-09-11

AppVersion: v1.93.4 Helm: v3

  • Bump version of VM components to v1.93.4

0.9.8 #

Release date: 2023-09-04

AppVersion: v1.93.3 Helm: v3

  • Bump version of vmagent to v1.93.3

0.9.6 #

Release date: 2023-08-30

AppVersion: v1.93.1 Helm: v3

  • fix honor_timestamps field for cadvisor scrape job (#626)

0.9.5 #

Release date: 2023-08-24

AppVersion: v1.93.1 Helm: v3

  • Disable honorTimestamps for cadvisor scrape job by default (#617)

0.9.4 #

Release date: 2023-08-23

AppVersion: v1.93.1 Helm: v3

  • Update VictoriaMetrics components from v1.93.0 to v1.93.1

0.9.3 #

Release date: 2023-08-12

AppVersion: v1.93.0 Helm: v3

  • Update VictoriaMetrics components from v1.92.1 to v1.93.0

0.9.2 #

Release date: 2023-07-28

AppVersion: v1.92.1 Helm: v3

  • Update VictoriaMetrics components from v1.92.0 to v1.92.1 (#599)

0.9.1 #

Release date: 2023-07-27

AppVersion: v1.92.0 Helm: v3

  • Update VictoriaMetrics components from v1.91.3 to v1.92.0
  • make package merge gen-docs

0.9.0 #

Release date: 2023-07-13

AppVersion: v1.91.3 Helm: v3

  • bump version of agent, alert, auth, cluster, single
  • feat(vmagent): Add support for topologySpreadConstraints field (#583)
  • Feat: Add custom objects to vma helm charts (#558)
  • fix(vmagent): Use endpoints instead of endpointslices on kubernetes-apiservers (#574)