Victoria Metrics Operator
Prerequisites #
- Install the follow packages:
. See this tutorial. - PV support on underlying infrastructure.
ArgoCD issues #
When running operator using ArgoCD without Cert Manager (.Values.admissionWebhooks.certManager.enabled: false
) it will rerender webhook certificates
on each sync since Helm lookup
function is not respected by ArgoCD. To prevent this please update you operator Application spec.syncPolicy
and spec.ignoreDifferences
with a following:
kind: Application
namespace: <operator-namespace>
# argocd must also ignore difference during apply stage
# otherwise it ll silently override changes and cause a problem
- RespectIgnoreDifferences=true
- group: ""
kind: Secret
name: <fullname>-validation
namespace: <operator-namespace>
- /data
- group:
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
name: <fullname>-admission
- '.webhooks[]?.clientConfig.caBundle'
where <fullname>
is output of {{ include "vm-operator.fullname" }}
for your setup
Upgrade guide #
During release an issue with helm CRD was discovered. So for upgrade from version less then 0.1.3 you have to two options:
- use helm management for CRD, enabled by default.
- use own management system, need to add variable: –set createCRD=false.
If you choose helm management, following steps must be done before upgrade:
- define namespace and helm release name variables
export NAMESPACE=default
export RELEASE_NAME=operator
execute kubectl commands:
kubectl get crd | grep | awk '{print $1 }' | xargs -i kubectl label crd {} --overwrite
kubectl get crd | grep | awk '{print $1 }' | xargs -i kubectl annotate crd {}"$NAMESPACE""$RELEASE_NAME" --overwrite
run helm upgrade command.
Chart Details #
This chart will do the following:
- Rollout victoria metrics operator
How to install #
Access a Kubernetes cluster.
Setup chart repository (can be omitted for OCI repositories) #
Add a chart helm repository with follow commands:
helm repo add vm
helm repo update
List versions of vm/victoria-metrics-operator
chart available to installation:
helm search repo vm/victoria-metrics-operator -l
Install victoria-metrics-operator
Export default values of victoria-metrics-operator
chart to file values.yaml
For HTTPS repository
helm show values vm/victoria-metrics-operator > values.yaml
For OCI repository
helm show values oci:// > values.yaml
Change the values according to the need of the environment in values.yaml
Test the installation with command:
For HTTPS repository
helm install vmo vm/victoria-metrics-operator -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE --debug --dry-run
For OCI repository
helm install vmo oci:// -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE --debug --dry-run
Install chart with command:
For HTTPS repository
helm install vmo vm/victoria-metrics-operator -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE
For OCI repository
helm install vmo oci:// -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE
Get the pods lists by running this commands:
kubectl get pods -A | grep 'vmo'
Get the application by running this command:
helm list -f vmo -n NAMESPACE
See the history of versions of vmo
application with command.
helm history vmo -n NAMESPACE
Validation webhook #
Its possible to use validation of created resources with operator. For now, you need cert-manager to easily certificate management
enabled: true
# what to do in case, when operator not available to validate request.
# enables cert creation and injection by cert-manager
enabled: true
How to uninstall #
Remove application with command.
helm uninstall vmo -n NAMESPACE
Documentation of Helm Chart #
Install helm-docs
following the instructions on this tutorial.
Generate docs with helm-docs
cd charts/victoria-metrics-operator
The markdown generation is entirely go template driven. The tool parses metadata from charts and generates a number of sub-templates that can be referenced in a template file (by default
). If no template file is provided, the tool has a default internal template that will generate a reasonably formatted README.
Disabling automatic ServiceAccount token mount #
There are cases when it is required to disable automatic ServiceAccount token mount due to hardening reasons. To disable it, set the following values:
automountServiceAccountToken: false
- name: operator
- downwardAPI:
- fieldRef:
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
path: namespace
- configMap:
name: kube-root-ca.crt
- serviceAccountToken:
expirationSeconds: 7200
path: token
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
name: operator
This configuration disables the automatic ServiceAccount token mount and mounts the token explicitly.
Parameters #
The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.
Change the values according to the need of the environment in victoria-metrics-operator/values.yaml
Key | Type | Default | Description |
admissionWebhooks | object |
| Configures resource validation |
admissionWebhooks.certManager | object |
| Enables custom ca bundle, if you are not using cert-manager. In case of custom ca, you have to create secret - {chart-name}-validation with keys: tls.key, tls.crt, ca.crt |
admissionWebhooks.certManager.enabled | bool |
| Enables cert creation and injection by cert-manager. |
admissionWebhooks.certManager.issuer | object |
| If needed, provide own issuer. Operator will create self-signed if empty. |
admissionWebhooks.enabled | bool |
| Enables validation webhook. |
admissionWebhooks.policy | string |
| What to do in case, when operator not available to validate request. |
affinity | object |
| Pod affinity |
annotations | object |
| Annotations to be added to the all resources |
crds.cleanup.enabled | bool |
| Tells helm to clean up all the vm resources under this release’s namespace when uninstalling |
crds.cleanup.image | object |
| Image configuration for CRD cleanup Job |
crds.cleanup.resources | object |
| Cleanup hook resources |
crds.enabled | bool |
| manages CRD creation. Disables CRD creation only in combination with |
crds.plain | bool |
| check if plain or templated CRDs should be created. with this option set to |
env | list |
| Extra settings for the operator deployment. Full list here |
envFrom | list |
| Specify alternative source for env variables |
extraArgs | object |
| Operator container additional commandline arguments |
extraContainers | list |
| Extra containers to run in a pod with operator |
extraHostPathMounts | list |
| Additional hostPath mounts |
extraLabels | object |
| Labels to be added to the all resources |
extraObjects | list |
| Add extra specs dynamically to this chart |
extraVolumeMounts | list |
| Extra Volume Mounts for the container |
extraVolumes | list |
| Extra Volumes for the pod |
fullnameOverride | string |
| Overrides the full name of server component resources |
global.cluster.dnsDomain | string |
| K8s cluster domain suffix, uses for building storage pods’ FQDN. Details are here |
global.compatibility | object |
| Openshift security context compatibility configuration |
global.image.registry | string |
| Image registry, that can be shared across multiple helm charts |
global.imagePullSecrets | list |
| Image pull secrets, that can be shared across multiple helm charts |
image | object |
| operator image configuration |
image.pullPolicy | string |
| Image pull policy |
image.registry | string |
| Image registry |
image.repository | string |
| Image repository |
image.tag | string |
| Image tag override Chart.AppVersion |
imagePullSecrets | list |
| Secret to pull images |
lifecycle | object |
| Operator lifecycle. See this article for details. |
logLevel | string |
| VM operator log level. Possible values: info and error. |
nameOverride | string |
| Override chart name |
nodeSelector | object |
| Pod’s node selector. Details are here |
operator.disable_prometheus_converter | bool |
| By default, operator converts prometheus-operator objects. |
operator.enable_converter_ownership | bool |
| Enables ownership reference for converted prometheus-operator objects, it will remove corresponding victoria-metrics objects in case of deletion prometheus one. |
operator.prometheus_converter_add_argocd_ignore_annotations | bool |
| Compare-options and sync-options for prometheus objects converted by operator for properly use with ArgoCD |
operator.useCustomConfigReloader | bool |
| Enables custom config-reloader, bundled with operator. It should reduce vmagent and vmauth config sync-time and make it predictable. |
podDisruptionBudget | object |
| See |
podLabels | object |
| extra Labels for Pods only |
podSecurityContext | object |
| Pod’s security context. Details are here |
probe.liveness | object |
| Liveness probe |
probe.readiness | object |
| Readiness probe |
probe.startup | object |
| Startup probe |
rbac.aggregatedClusterRoles | object |
| Create aggregated clusterRoles for CRD readonly and admin permissions |
rbac.aggregatedClusterRoles.labels | object |
| Labels attached to according clusterRole |
rbac.create | bool |
| Specifies whether the RBAC resources should be created |
replicaCount | int |
| Number of operator replicas |
resources | object |
| Resource object |
securityContext | object |
| Security context to be added to server pods |
service.annotations | object |
| Service annotations |
service.clusterIP | string |
| Service ClusterIP |
service.externalIPs | string |
| Service external IPs. Check here for details |
service.externalTrafficPolicy | string |
| Service external traffic policy. Check here for details |
service.healthCheckNodePort | string |
| Health check node port for a service. Check here for details |
service.ipFamilies | list |
| List of service IP families. Check here for details. |
service.ipFamilyPolicy | string |
| Service IP family policy. Check here for details. |
service.labels | object |
| Service labels |
service.loadBalancerIP | string |
| Service load balancer IP |
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list |
| Load balancer source range |
service.servicePort | int |
| Service port |
service.type | string |
| Service type |
service.webhookPort | int |
| Service webhook port |
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool |
| Whether to automount the service account token. Note that token needs to be mounted manually if this is disabled. |
serviceAccount.create | bool |
| Specifies whether a service account should be created | | string |
| The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |
serviceMonitor | object |
| Configures monitoring with serviceScrape. VMServiceScrape must be pre-installed |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int |
| Graceful pod termination timeout. See this article for details. |
tolerations | list |
| Array of tolerations object. Spec is here |
topologySpreadConstraints | list |
| Pod Topology Spread Constraints. Spec is here |
watchNamespaces | list |
| By default, the operator will watch all the namespaces If you want to override this behavior, specify the namespace. Operator supports multiple namespaces for watching. |