Datadog Agent doesn’t support custom path prefix, so for this reason it’s required to use VMAuth or any other reverse proxy to append /insert/datadog path prefix to all Datadog API logs requests.

In case of VMAuth your config should look like:

    - src_paths:
        - "/api/v2/logs"
        - "/api/v1/validate"
      url_prefix: `<victoria-logs-base-url>`/insert/datadog/
    - src_paths:
        - "/api/v1/series"
        - "/api/v2/series"
        - "/api/beta/sketches"
        - "/api/v1/validate"
        - "/api/v1/check_run"
        - "/intake"
        - "/api/v1/metadata"
      url_prefix: `<victoria-metrics-base-url>`/datadog/

To start ingesting logs from DataDog agent please specify a custom URL instead of default one for sending collected logs to VictoriaLogs:

logs_enabled: true
  logs_dd_url: `<vmauth-base-url>`
  use_http: true

While using Serverless DataDog plugin please set VictoriaLogs endpoint using LOGS_DD_URL environment variable:

    apiKey: fakekey                 # Set any key, otherwise plugin fails
    DD_DD_URL: `<vmauth-base-url>`/   # VMAuth endpoint for DataDog

Substitute the <vmauth-base-url> address with the real address of VMAuth proxy.

Dropping fields #

VictoriaLogs can be configured for skipping the given log fields for logs ingested via DataDog protocol. This can be done via the following options:

  • -datadog.ignoreFields command-line flag, which accepts comma-separated list of log fields to ignore. This list can contain log field prefixes ending with * such as some-prefix*. In this case all the fields starting from some-prefix are ignored.
  • ignore_fields HTTP request query arg or VL-Ignore-Fields HTTP request header. See these docs for details.

Stream fields #

VictoriaLogs can be configured to use the particular fields from the ingested logs as log stream fields for logs ingested via DataDog protocol. This can be done via the following options:

  • -datadog.streamFields command-line flag, which accepts comma-separated list of fields to use as log stream fields.
  • _stream_fields HTTP request query arg or VL-Stream-Fields HTTP request header. See these docs for details.

See also: