User roles #

VictoriaMetrics Cloud provides different levels of user access based on role definitions. Roles determine the information that users can access and edit inside VictoriaMetrics Cloud in different Categories, such as Deployments, Billing or Notifications, for example. The full list of roles definitions can be found in the table below.

Organization Administrators can assign and change other users roles both during the user creation procedure or afterwards. See the User Management section for more information.

Roles and permissions #

User RoleCategoriesPermissions
AdminDeploymentsAccess to all deployments tabs and information

Create, update and delete deployment

IntegrationsAccess to different integration configurations
BillingCheck billing information
NotificationsCreate and update notifications
Audit LogsCan check all information in audit logs
User ManagementAdd, edit and delete users
API KeysAdd, edit and delete API Keys
EditorDeploymentsAccess to all deployments tabs and information

Create, update and delete deployment

NotificationsCreate and update notifications
Audit LogsCan check all information in audit logs
ViewerDeploymentsAccess to Overview, Monitoring, Explore and Alerts deployments tabs and information

Profile status #

Profile lifecycle comprises different statuses depending on where they are in their registration process. If you think your profile is in a wrong status or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our support team at

ActiveThe user can log in and use VictoriaMetrics Cloud. The user role defines the access level.
Pending InvitationAn invitation was sent. The user must accept this.
Expired InvitationAn invitation was expired. The admin should resend invitation to the user.
InactiveThe user is registered in the VictoriaMetrics Cloud but has no access to perform any actions. Admin can activate or completely delete the user.